Yes Marion,
That is a very nice write-up indeed! Hopefully it will increase sales. What a great tribute you have done for your father and all the other men of the engineers. What would the army do without the engineers' [daughters!]
That's so cool and well deserved. I hope more articles like this will be published Marion.
Thanks you two, I sure appreciate your continued support. It's great to see your posts. They DO make my day.

That is a very good write up Marion and I'm pleased to see it.
Yup, me too. Lee keeps saying, "You'll get your break, just wait and see."
Where can I get a copy of that magazine ????????? oakorpecantree??
Let me look into it. I know it's a subscription, but... Do you want me to send you a copy of the article?
Let me look into it. I know it's a subscription, but... Do you want me to send you a copy of the article?
Yes that will be fine, Just been informed, Nov.10 I have to give a talk at a gathering of people at a Seniors' Center. Account it's Hispanic Month. They want to know what I did, HEY Watson, I'm gonna say we shot up the countryside while you were driving that bad jeep !!!!
Roger wilco. Will do good buddy. I'll copy today and get one out in the mail. My pleasure!
:squirrel 4:
Roger wilco. Will do good buddy. I'll copy today and get one out in the mail. My pleasure!
:squirrel 4:
that looks like me--got a big walnut,crosseyed and no teeth !!!!