On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Edward Pittarelli wrote:
Hi Marion,
Chapter 2 is airing on TorchTV (FIOS 26)as follows:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday 1:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 4:00 PM, 8:00 PM.
The show is preceded by a ½ hour interviews with WWII veteran and a ½ interview with another veteran is after it. For some showings, the second interview is with a Combat Engineer who was in the Battle of the Bulge.
We show the battle of San Pietro from time to time including this month. It will be a nice match to Chapter 3.
Ed Pittarelli
Dean, Program Development, Learning Technologies, and Process Improvement
Bergen Community College
201 689 7037
Sigh, I just checked my October sales and they are abysmal. I've sold ONE copy this month online! ONE!!!
I need to find some new venues to promote my production. I am so disappointed!
Hopefully the full-page spread in Army Engineer Magazine will come to my rescue...
Do you need any help Marion. Is there some place where we can post some information about the DVD so you, maybe, receive some orders from Europe. I would be glad if I could help you.
Best wishes,
Sorry to hear it Marion. I hope that things will go better for you. A full page add? That would be great!
I guess it's just tough to get a break. I know it's a slow painful process, but I guess I was hoping for a bit more by now. It's difficult for me to try and be my own sales staff too. I can only be in so many places at the same time.
Am looking for any help I can get from friends, family and colleagues. Anything is appreciated.
Yes, the full page ad Todd, can be found here (a PDF copy)
Thank you so much for that. I appreciate your efforts. BIG SMILES this morning, dear friend.
And while I'm here, thanks for the very nice letter the other day. Just haven't gotten around to replying yet. I have gotten so much done around the house and gone through the pile on my desk. What a great feeling. Lee is having a "boys" weekend down state in the thumb, so I am doing a bunch of little things which get put off. I am also going to start painting our bedroom as soon as my buddy Ralph shows up this afternoon to take over my shift at the store.
Next week am heading to the local libraries with copies of the documentary. I am hoping for a screening night or two. Then contacting the local newspapers to get some coverage.

With great appreciation for your efforts,
Still looking for a group of young men to sing THREE engineer written songs from WWII. I have been asking/looking for almost a year now, and cannot find one person to help me. Is there anyone out there willing to give this a shot for the documentary?
I'm about ready to give up. I've asked on Facebook, around my town and here and nothing. I am truly sad...

I can sing fairly well. Not necessarily as a soloist, but in an ensemble I fit in pretty well. (I was a music major. Played trombone but I can hold a tune in a bucket as the saying goes. . .) Don't know how much help I can be down in little ol' Albany.
I am a really poor singer Marion so don't count me in on this one.
Would like to help you with other things but singing is not one of my qualities.