Wow, this is THE biggest compliment I could have received from anyone. I've never met this gentleman, nor did he know that my influence was indeed, Ken Burns. I am whirling with delight.
The letter below was sent to my friend Terri...
Terri- I played the two DVD's yesterday. You have another Ken Burns for a friend. Very well done, great merge of photos, music, news photos/movies, and well written and presented narrative. Very professional. Overall an interesting historical document and a touching tribute to her father. I'll package them up and get them back to you. Thanks for the chance to see them. Ray
Very nice!! That is high praise!
Indeed! I'll take that any day of the week.
Would like to thank those who participated and placed their reviews of my documentary via Those reviews mean a lot to me.
If you saw No Bridge Too Far and enjoyed it, please write a review on It's very important to me.
Trying to get my funding campaign off the ground. Please help if you can by making a donation today. If you can't donate, please help me get the word around by sharing the above link. Here's the wording from my campaign page:
No Bridge Too Far is a three-part documentary, written, produced and directed by myself, with funding procured with kindness from WWII veterans, their families and other interested parties. It is dedicated to my father, a combat engineer, and his fellow G.I.'s, whose story is rarely told within World War Two circles.
Part one was completed a few years ago, but production fell by the wayside for several reasons including running the family business - ah, there are only so many hours in the day, no matter how dedicated you are!
Now that the family business is closed, I would like to delve in and complete parts two and three, in order to present it to the WWII veterans who are still with us. However, as with any venture, additional funding is needed in order to pay voice-over actors and obtain copyrights for music, imaging and video clips.
For more information about my labor of love, please take a moment to visit my websites:
Please help me bring my dream to fruition, so I can tell the story of the strength and sacrifice of the WWII combat engineers.
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter "Monday" Poniedzialek
540th Combat Engineer Regiment
A Proud Daughter, LLC Production
Well via my dear friend Filip, he put me in touch with George Luz Jr, who suggested that I get in touch with Tom Hanks via Playtone Productions, so I am preparing a letter to Mr Hanks and sending him a copy of Part One of No Bridge Too Far. I think it will take a while to finish the letter, for I will probably re-write it a half dozen times before sending. How the heck do I start?
Dear Mr. Hanks, sir, ????
I am .
I am!
Oh Marion, I am so happy you are taking this next step! Whatever you write to introduce yourself will be wonderful!
Wait until they realize that there is probably no one that has as much knowledge on this topic as you do!
And no one could have worked harder or been more dedicated to the Engineers and to WW2 than you!
I am so excited for you!