Uh, has anyone had a chance to take a look?
Guess I was expecting some kind of comments after nine days...
WOW... Outstanding. Marion all those guys would be so proud of you, and what you have achieved so far.
This is like a good book, I can't wait to read the next chapter. Everything is so good, the layouts, the voiceovers ,
maps and photos and films. Is there anything I can do from my end ? Well done kiddo.. 
Thank you so much Moose for your input. Was feeling rather lonesome with no reply from no one on our forum. It is very important for me to receive any kind of input, and felt very forelorn....
I try and count on you guys for immediate input and wasn't getting any...
I promise it will be even better once I get all the male vocals and intricate touches.
Thank you darling,
I can't wait to get off dial up, so I can watch it!!!! I'd rather have dental surgery than try to watch something on dial up.....
I will send you a disk galfriend. Let me see if I have your snail-mail address in my contacts...
Nope, don't have it, please send me via email, your street addy.
Its still not compatible with my Macintosh (same with the 36th Engineers footage) even though I do have Flash installed. Probably just my computer ... it likes to play Quicktime and Flip4Mac videos although sometimes not those either. I have dial-up too so maybe that's the problem but shouldn't be with such a small download. Will go to the library computers sometime to take a look.
Looks VERY promising indeed! Very nice.
Keep up the good work.
If I can be of any assistance, just ask me. 
Trust me, you don't want to hear this ol' Belgian barking in English. 

Ya, LOL! I'd give ya a part, but the Belgian accent... That would be a "hoot"!
I still need a few more guys in their 20's or 30's to take on a few parts.
In fact I was just working on the vocals right now. Added two new guys to the mix.
Nick Hopper is doing some for me this weekend. Am very excited to hear it all.
Well on my way...
I have almost everyone for the first segment.
Wilbur Thomas Dickens - Nick Hopper
Bill Vander Wall - Lee Chard (my hubby)
Dick Fietz - Eric Chard
Rene Rousselle - Jake Chard
Irving Cherney - Dean Carney (my son-in-law)
Carl Furtado - just given to Todd O'Brien, this evening
John Fallon - Grant Johnson
David A Lapp - ?
John Wack - Jordan Jones (my nephew)
08-06-08 Only need someone for David right now (small part). Yeah, real progress!!