Most of you have read Fatal Decision by Carlo D'Este and know it is a fine book. Another book was recommended to me by the son of an Anzio veteran of the British 1st Division which served on the Moletta. Read, Anzio by Lloyd Clark, an excellent book. Remember the British 1st was followed by the British 56th and we were finally relieved by the British 5th, all great soldiers.
36 Engineers are rugged......John Fallon II. Capt. USA Ret.
an Anzio veteran of the British 1st Division
Ah, but he is a British author. I have a problem with those Brits. I know this is my Mother Tongue but they just don't write the same as Americans. And where did they dump all of those punctuations? There must be a pit somewhere in the North Sea where they toss all of those commas.

They do write a little differently, but I have read some of the best books that came from Brit authors. I have learned to over come my urge to get out the red pen and make corrections 
Ah, but he is a British author. I have a problem with those Brits. I know this is my Mother Tongue but they just don't write the same as Americans. And where did they dump all of those punctuations? There must be a pit somewhere in the North Sea where they toss all of those commas.

I agree with you Steve.. An Anzio veteran 34th RED BULL Divn.- BTDT- Rocky