Hear ye, Hear ya! Yes, that DID make me chuckle! Oh dear, I don't have a pastry bag either. What will we do??
I shall laugh each time I hear or see mocha beans too. I will think of you.
I think you hit the nail on the head when you stated how fortunate you feel to be you. That is exactly how I feel too. Earlier in life I looked at some other people and thought; wow they have their sh-t together! But funny how you look back years later, and I am not envious of them or their life styles. I look at my life and think how lucky I am and I wouldn't trade places with any of them.
Hubby often reminds me of the people who poo-pooed me and wrote me off. I guess I have the best and the last laugh now. When I wrote a couple of my articles he said, "Hope some of your so-called friends happen to see you name in print. That made me feel good.
Here's to mocha beans and those who REALLY know how to enjoy life!