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These are very nice pics. Recognized a couple, WW 11, combat boots gave

and fatigues. Most Vietnam and Iraq. Camo wear. Rocky

You're right, Rocky, they're not all WWII, but some of them make me wonder about the senility of the photographer. I thought in a couple of them they should have put the camera down and picked up a rifle.

The riflemen in the trench who are sporting the furry caps and gas masks looked to me like Romainian troops that fought with the Germans in WWII, most notably at Stalingrad, where they were positioned on the left flank of the German 6th Army. After the battle, the Germans accused these troops of cowardice when they broke and ran under the massive Soviet counter attack. Iin truth, the Romainians were the most poorly trained and under equipped of Germany's allies, often used as cannon fodder by their Nazi bosses.


Nice photos..all of them! ;)


Jim :woof: