Captain John Fallon was captivated by all the National Archive documents I was able to obtain from College Park, Maryland on my dad's unit. Well after a long period, John was able to obtain the sitreps for his unit too.
Well he one-upped me
and had all the documents copied to disk as PDF files (now I'm jealous), so he could not only share them with his buddies, but with us too. God bless you John. So today I uploaded the two large files, and placed them on their page. You can view the files here under Sitreps:
Enjoy! It's my pleasure to present these for public viewing. 
WOW !! what a terrific and invaluable amount of information. Thank you Captain Fallon for making these operation reports available and thank you Marion for posting them.
BUT........ now i`m confused again..... 
In the unit list for the 36th Eng Beach group supporting the 3rd Inf Div at Cavalaire for the Invasion of Southern France, it lists my dad`s unit.. 706th MP PW Det. Dad had told me he landed at St Raphael with engineers supporting the 141st Reg. Sooooooo..... either his memory failed or another Det of the 706th MP landed with the 36 Inf Div?
Me thinks i need to grab a shovel & move to College Park & do some serious diggin 
Research is so much fun! another clue usualy leads to another hole in the puzzle.
Thanks Marion, no hurry, i`m on the road till middle of next week so whenever you find <koff> the time it will be very much appreciated. Might be listed as 504th MP, or 706 MP PW.

I cannot thank you and John both for this, Marion. I was planning to write John about how I would go about getting a copy from National Archives. 
Has anyone else had trouble opening the Sit Rep PDF file? I opened it at work from the link on the email but have not been able to open it on my home computer. It shows that it is set up for the 200+ pages but the pages are blank. Myother PDF's seem to be ok.
I just downloaded the first part directly from the main site, and let it completely download. On my system (cable), it took about 2 minutes and ALL pages were there.
Will try part two now...
Just tried part two and all went perfectly. Again about a 2-3 minutes download, and then I was able to flip through all the pages without a hitch.
Can anyone else answer Chris' question? Has anyone else had problems opening the files in question?