Received this today and will doing some research for him:
Looking for the location where my uncle was killed in battle WWII. Is it possible to know the whereabouts of his unit on September 22, 1944?
Staff Sergeant Herman J. Foehrer
Co. H 36th Armored Infantry Regiment
Return address also included APO # 253, if that is useful.
Thanks you for any help you can provide.
Quoting from the last link you posted....
On October 1, 1958 the most famous of all Spearheaders joined the division as a Private in Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st, Battalion, 32d Armor. Private (later Sergeant) Elvis Presley served out his military obligation as a regular soldier in the division until he was honorable discharged in March of 1960. His movie G.I. Blues made later that year was based partly upon his experiences and featured scenes from the division area.
Now you know.

Linked from a Movie site (Hope this works and Marion doesn't mind.)
Ah, I knew the 36th Armored rocked!! 
Well, it says he was in the 32nd Armored Infantry Battalion.
I always thought there was a switch-a-roo somewhere. I thought he actually served in the 1st Armored Divison in real life but the movie depicted him in the 3rd Armored Division. Guess not.
The 1st Armored Division served in Italy during WW2 but I think it was moved to Germany or that area for the Cold War and obtain the title "Hell on Wheels". But don't quote me on that. 
Another BTW,
The Armored Division patch was a triangle consisting of 3 colors: Red, Yellow and Blue. The concept of armored units was new when this was designed. So they picked 3 colors for the 3 combined arms that would make up the armored division: artillery, cavalry and infantry. Each division had a battalion of armored artillery, armored cavalry(i.e. tanks) and armored infantry.
(Now I made Captain.)
Actually, Elvis was in both the 2nd and the 3rd Armored while in Germany. I have pics of him with both patches. Used to be a HUGE fan. Still am, but less fanatic.
I am going crazy with all the things I read recently. I THINK I read something about Stolberg just the other day.....Gosh, if I can only remember WHERE....Maybe I start to mix things up now.....
Buried in Henri Chapelle....That is close to Margarten...
Buried in Henri Chapelle
Wha-a-a-a? Oh. I thought you meant Elvis was buried there.
He is buried at Graceland, of course. That is about 5 miles down the road from where I work. It is a Southern tradition to bury your pets and rock stars in your back yard.
Name withheld in case of retribution by the Memphis Mafia.
Life is so cool sometimes. Here is an email I received in reference to Ralph's request to find more information on his uncle. Seems this person found my forum and is trying to contact him. I in turn forwarded the email to Ralph tonight! 
Hi ,
I assume you are the person that made an inquiry in the 3rd Armored Div newsletter looking for information about your Uncle . If you will send my your address ( snail mail ), my Father in Law was at his side when he died.
Harold A. Hansen
4917 Charles St
Racine WI 53402
He saw the request - but several of us tried the email addy and couldn't get it to work ! I just typed your Uncle's name in and went looking.
Harold wants to share his story with you -
Please let me know how you want to do this - Harold wants to write you a letter, snail mail.
Hope this helps,
Penny L. Hansen
I am the one that sent you the email about Harold 
The email addy in the 3rd Armored newsletter didn't work , so I just started searching and ran across your site !
Harold will be 89 tomorrow and we really need to get together about his info - he is a wealth of information, he and his Brother in law William C Bones, drove half-tracks during WW2 - I need to ask permission - but may have pic with a restored vehicle like he drove with the number of the half-track included . Someone else owns it -
Penny aka Monty