Here's some superb info on several WWII units. Thanks SonofaMP for this GREAT link! I can't wait to read about the 3rd Inf Div and the 540th. Eager, eager, eager...
Hi Marion, i got a shaky connection here & can't post now. At the website under documents, there's a lot of operations reports! It has the 3rd ID & 45th ID reports for Sicily, Eisenhower's report on North Africa, 82nd AB reports & lots more. The report of the 3rd ID has several mentions of the 540th Eng.
THE 34th I.D. was in there somewhere and had some action.
I haven't found the references to the 540th yet, but haven't read the Sicily pages yet. Read through the entire article on the 3rd Inf Div crossing the Rhine and did find references to the 150th Engineers, and the 87th Inf Div and sent the pages to my friends who were either in these units or have interest in them.
Mentions many different units who crossed the Rhine including heavy ponton regiments, etc. Pretty interesting and contains lots of photos.
Thanks M1 for getting this posted for me. There is definitly a wealth of info on that site. Rocky, the report of the 3rd ID mentions them recieving 1000+ replacements from your 34th ID just before the invasion launched with no time for training to get them integrated into the battalions.
Capt Todd, there are several Op reports for the Marines & Army in the Pacific campaigns, Iwo, okinawa, & others.
Report on the Okinawa operation
M1, one mention of 2nd Bn 540th Engineers entered the port of Licata, noon of D-Day is on page 43 of the 3rdID report.
Page 43

Marion, i found ya more references to your 540th on the documents site. These are in the "Historical record operations of US 2nd Armored Division".
It is an OP-Rep for 2nd AD for the Sicily landings. It looks like they sailed to Sicily with 2nd AD. The 540th is listed on Pages 3, 5, & 14.
Historical record operations of US 2nd Armored Division
Very, very good. Go to the head of your class. I added the document to the 540th's History page this morning. Excellent hunting! 
I am going to place the link regarding the 3rd Inf there too.