It looks we are about to get another dose of revisionist history from good old Public Broadcasting. Perhaps "The War " was a little too pro American for them and they initiating their own self imposed version of the Fairness Doctrine.
The war of the World airs this coming Monday.I copied the following from the PBS site ;
"The War of the World, a 3-part series based on historian Niall Ferguson’s best-selling book of the same name, challenges the notion that World War II was a triumph of good (us) over evil (them)."
Shall I proceed to get sick now or later? Maybe we should have all 500 members of our forum ascend upon this guys house? 
Episode two, A Tainted Victory, cites the horrors of World War II to show how, in order to win, the Allies acted with the same savagery as their enemies, thus attaining a “tainted victory.â€
It is quite easy for PBS to downplay "our side" in WW 2 as they were not there to see what went on.
I heard from plenty of veterans today, who are as outraged as we are. I even heard from George Ciampa, who stated he is still desperately trying to get PBS to air his documentaries, and to get funding for his projects, which we talked about on this site:
This is the letter I sent back to George a few minutes ago:
Yes, what a real shame. People like you who were there, and have done an outstanding job on telling the REAL story, can't get their work on PBS. But some young hot shot is given air play all in "FAIRNESS". What a crock!!!
We all need to write letters to PBS and let them know how we feel. There are still plenty of vets, kids and grandkids, and we can all pick up a pen or send an email to these TV stations. This is a real injustice to all who fought and died, and fought and lived.
What this jerk doesn't realize is if the allies hadn't stepped in, he would never be allowed to write books. He may even be in jail for speaking out. Obviously this man doesn't have a clue.
For some strange reason today, everyone has to present BOTH sides. Well you know what George, there aren't always two sides to the story, and we shouldn't feel the need to stick up for for dictators, murderers, and devils in human form. It just sickens me.
I didn't find a wholelot more out there about the series but it seems that this will be the modern Harvard version of ww2. Niiall Ferguson is a Professor of history at Harvard and a fellow at Oxford.
The thing that really enfuriates me is that the video is available and should get plenty of playtime in the coming schoolyear
the so-called "Public" broadcasting system is funded by OUR TAX DOLLARS!!! That's what FROSTS me even more!
The media propaganda machines continue to press forward their Anti-American,
Pro-Socialist agendas - and they are doin' it on OUR money!!!
Joe's comment is right on: "they weren't there to see what went on" and I'd add: "and they could care less "! They'd love to turn the truth on it's head in order to make evil good & good evil. THAT fits their agenda!
I have a 84 yr young neighbor who has been poisoned with this stuff (and she outta know better!) She thinks the terrorists are misunderstood, war is bad, Bush is bad (of course!), America was bad because we nuked Hiroshima etc etc (you get the picture).
There's no surprise that she has 2 nieces in the State Dept over in Damascus.
I wear a t-shirt that I'm sure annoys the heck out of her. It says:" War never solved anything except tyranny, slavery, oppression, communism, nazism, fascism - and we're working on terrorism!"
As for descending on this guy's house - count me in!!!!
Let's show this jackass a little "tainted victory" of our own!! :pdt40:
With Rocky & Joe in the lead & M1's Peeps, he'd be running scared.
I'd pay a million bucks just to hear Rocky & Joe ask him: "What was that you said about 'tainted victory'???"