I'm looking for information regarding the 2756th ECS during WWII. This was the my dad's, Norman Stobaugh, unit when he was discharged in August of 1945. He once told me many years ago that this unit had changed names several times during the course of the war but of course I didn't write them down and now it's too late. I'm interested in anything that anyone may have. My Dad would not talk much about anything that he experienced during the war so any information I have is very sketchy.
I've searched this site and found some interesting references that may or may not fit. I just can't be sure. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed by all the information found. It just seems it would be a simple matter to simply backtrack from his ending unit through all of it's name changes during the course of the war but obviously nothing is that easy.
I know he was involved in the invasion of North Africa at the port of Oran. From the copy of his Form 53-55 I received from the Army, I know that he was involved in the following battles/campaigns..."Algeria-French Morocco, Tunisia, Naples-Foggia, Central Europe, Rhineland and North Apennines. *Rome-Arno"
From his uniform patches I know at some point he was in the 6th Corps and finally the 7th Army.
I've contacted the Army records center in St. Louis in an attempt to get copies of his file and of course I received the form letter advising me that his records were destroyed in the fire they had several years ago. Sigh.... 
Any information at all will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Larry Stobaugh
Although St. Louis may not have records, do try the V.A. if your father used the VA for any reason, he should have a file.
In the files I have read, I have found data that traced an indiviudal from post to post..as well as information about wartime treatments etc. The Amry kept track of dental visits, shoe replacements and visits to the dr at each post among other things.
As next of kin, you have access to the file.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the advice Theron. I will try the V.A. and see if they can provide any help.
Norm gave you good advice. That is what I tell everyone now. I also acquired my dad's records from the VA in his home state of Michigan.
More later... Gotta run...
Hi Marion,
Thanks for your comments too. I look forward to your more later.
So you guys are saying is that I should contact the local V.A. and not the national office? I can do that. Is the best way to just call them and tell what I'm trying to do? They will probably be familiar with this type request.
Hello again...
I worked through the national VA. They sent the file to a local VA center, in my case at the time, Ft. Snelling, MN.
Hi Theron,
OK, the National Office it will be. You are saying that if my Dad ever used the V.A. anywhere they should have a record, even as far back as the 1940's. That would be a real break. I really don't know if he ever used them or not but he could have when I was much too young to know I suppose. I know he didn't in his later years even though he could have.
Sure no harm in asking.
What do I request and what can I expect? I looked the the National Office site briefly and it looks like they are saying to send my request to St. Louis. No need to do that since I've been down that road.
Do you recall the forms you submitted? Or, if you can point me in the right direction, I'll find the correct form.
Sorry to be a bother.
Here is exactly what I did. I went to this site and clicked on my home state. In our case it was Michigan. Then I found the address and sent them a letter, telling them I would appreciate a copy of my dad's discharge papers, and supplied my name, address, phone number, etc. Within two and half weeks, I had a copy in the mail.
I also have several helpful research links in our Research Section, including information on how to collect the unit records from the National Archives in Maryland, and the Army Corps of Engineers Office of History.
Let me know if you have any questions. I know I SURE did when I began. 
Oh, a very warm welcome. Sorry I didn't type more yesterday, but was working in my store and trying to throw in an reply to you.
Thanks for the reply Marian.
I will do as you suggest and contact the local VA first.
I saw your links to the National Archives and I will try that route if I fail to have any luck locally.
Thanks for the welcome and thanks for your kind offer of help. I suspect I'll need it. 
My pleasure! It all comes around. I was the one frantic for data, and now I can step up to the plate and offer my help. Four and half years ago I was the one spinning in circles and pulling my hair out! Ouch! 

NARA in Maryland won't have individual records, but daily, weekly and monthly unit journals, amongst other records. However within those records, they will mention individual names in context. I found my dad's name a couple of times already. Once when he was going on leave with some of his buddies, and then returning. Then once when he was injured on duty and sent to an evac hospital during the breakout from Anzio! Wow, that was an eye-opener!