
Full Version: 351st General Service Regiment
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A mighty impressive set of images. I have been looking into the 351st Engineers at Porthcawl and thought I could provide some feedback. There are 3 images taken along the Porthcawl seafront that can be imagined from a similar view obtainable from Google Maps. The Guys marching along a road with a wall to the right and few people watching was taken at ...,-3.7085753,3a,28.2y,303.08h,86.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seMuNLXf3kNPHJZMMgDdYQA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


The two showing a marching column of GI's and a column of Women (ATS ?) was taken here ...,-3.704003,3a,52.1y,308.69h,80.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slmlLanTCxNfAta6XRI7Z_w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


I think the photo of your grand father standing on what looks like a river bridge may have been taken in Cardiff (the overhead wires in the background could be overhead electrical feeds to the trolley bus system) - I will feed back if I find anything.


There is a booklet "Porthcawl at War 1939-1945" by Mike Mansley that has an account of the 351st (amongst other U.S troops) at Porthcawl and, perhaps the only reminder of their presence, a concrete block with the Engineers "Castle" emblem pressed into the surface. It is in poor condition and the metal emblem that may have been there originally is absent. There is a photo of it taken in the 1990's in that book.


I would be most interested in any information relating to the 351st or other units stationed in Porthcawl in the run up to Normandy and can provide an e-mail address if that would be convenient.


Their memories must be kept alive so that the younger generations can appreciate their sacrifice. Terry.




Van, on 14 Mar 2011 - 12:38 PM, said:


Hello Joel,
My grandfather might have known your grandfather. I seem to remember him talking about a guy up there that he kept in contact with. My grandfather had a number of photos from his service in the 351st engineers. I'll pm you the google photos link for the album I have scanned. I am very interested in the photos that you have.




On 6/23/2011 at 6:57 PM, Walt's Daughter said:

Here's the link to Van's grandfather's photo page:


Wade Huber -351st Engineer General Service Regiment

Is that link dead now?  A son of the 351st reached out to me so I pointed to this discussion.

Nope, it's not dead. The entire gallery is up and running. Your link above points directly to the gallery. The link below is his direct point.

Wade Huber

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