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Our latest outing....

Okay Marion's Boys, I have some questions for you after watching the latest training video.


How many of you actually have actually been through boot camp? If you were, how many still serve in the military?


Who has the most experience in the group? How do you receive your training and whose in charge of putting together drills and exercises?


Who put the group together, etc? Guess I am trying to ascertain how all this came into being, and how you initially put a rag-tag group of men together to function as reenactors for the 101st. Hope I will get some interesting answers. Looking forward to hearing from many. Please elaborate.


I couldn't help to include that last phrase, because it reminds me of being at Eastern MI University. Had one college professor who was never satisfied with our answers and would always retort, "Please elaborate!" I swore I would NEVER use that expression! :lol::hit:

Moose---I just saw your video. I could make alot of comments but y'all would

think I am criticizing. BUT,hmm, The guys in the woods either standing up or

sitting and firing, if there was a sniper up in the tree, quess what. The guys

walking across an open field would all be dead. The leaders should know,you

skirt an open field . Oh well it gave me a little laugh. The best thing I learned

was how to take care of my weapon AND HOW TO USE IT. In combat there


SURVIVAL takes over along with prayer. That's why I am here typing now.


the squirrel!!!----- :armata_PDT_23:

Roque: Your right. That open field is a poor choice with both sides being wooded with much good cover on both sides. A suicide mission at best to be in the open field.Its time to dig in or get out.

Whatever the resemblance to actual maneuvers circa 1943, it still looks like a lot of fun. Even as an active duty Marine I don't spend a lot of time "getting dirty". As an artilleryman there was more of that sort of thing but as an captain communicator on the MEF staff (a MEF has about 47,000 Marines and sailors) there isn't much time for that sort of thing. Actually, being on the MEF staff doesn't lend itself to any fun at all, come to think of it.


There are reenactor groups in this general area, but I just don't have the money time. Perhaps, God willing, some day I will have both! In the meantime, live the dream!

Roque: Your right. That open field is a poor choice with both sides being wooded with much good cover on both sides. A suicide mission at best to be in the open field.Its time to dig in or get out.


Hi Joe: What the hell is maneuvers,circa1943. 1943 I circad No. Africa then Italy.

CaptO just having a little fun. Never saw maneuvers, Joe,did you? Barely 10

weeks of basic and away we went. Still thinking about those guys in the

open field. Roque

Just an observation, but I believe the open field scene was just the guys in a training session. They were practicing formations. We will let Moose comment since I was not there. :pdt12:

Just an observation, but I believe the open field scene was just the guys in a training session. They were practicing formations. We will let Moose comment since I was not there. :pdt12:


Right on.....LL

Do I get a star on my forehead? :clappin::pdt12:


Anyway, can't wait to hear your answers (and those from the other guys) about how this all came about, and how you trained to become who you are, etc.

Training should be kept as real as possible. Granted, a open field is easier but easy dont cut it in reality.

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