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My father was in H&S company's motor pool in the 540th. Your guess about size is correct. Here's a pic of my dad in occupied Germany with his motor pool.


Ok, guys,

See the attached photos. The photo of the panoramic is a copy I had made of the original, then I used my iPhone to make a panoramic shot of it. My shot is less than perfect, obviously, but it will give you an idea. By the way, it may appear somewhat distorted but that's because the guys were lined up by height at the back, so the line of heads across the top and the feet across the bottom are not straight, Also, I couldn't hold my iPhone completed straight as I panned the photo. I'll send a second post with a close up of Sterling that I took from within the copy so that you can see the quality, which is consistent across the photo.


I've spoken with the gallery that made the copy, and they are willing to make and mail copies to anyone who wants one, but you'd need their phone number and my name. Since I'm not supposed to give my name here, we'll have to work out those details if you express an interest.


Sterling's Daughter



Ok, guys,

See the attached photos. The photo of the panoramic is a copy I had made of the original, then I used my iPhone to make a panoramic shot of it. My shot is less than perfect, obviously, but it will give you an idea. By the way, it may appear somewhat distorted but that's because the guys were lined up by height at the back, so the line of heads across the top and the feet across the bottom are not straight, Also, I couldn't hold my iPhone completed straight as I panned the photo. I'll send a second post with a close up of Sterling that I took from within the copy so that you can see the quality, which is consistent across the photo.


I've spoken with the gallery that made the copy, and they are willing to make and mail copies to anyone who wants one, but you'd need their phone number and my name. Since I'm not supposed to give my name here, we'll have to work out those details if you express an interest.


Sterling's Daughter




Here's the close-up of Sterling taken from the panoramic photo.


Sterling's daughter


Here are a couple of candids. Sterling wrote on the back of one:

Sterling and Demello Gosselies Belgium 1945.


The second photo has no writing, but it does appear to be the same friend (Demello?).


Sterling's Daughter



Ok, guys,

See the attached photos. The photo of the panoramic is a copy I had made of the original, then I used my iPhone to make a panoramic shot of it. My shot is less than perfect, obviously, but it will give you an idea. By the way, it may appear somewhat distorted but that's because the guys were lined up by height at the back, so the line of heads across the top and the feet across the bottom are not straight, Also, I couldn't hold my iPhone completed straight as I panned the photo. I'll send a second post with a close up of Sterling that I took from within the copy so that you can see the quality, which is consistent across the photo.


I've spoken with the gallery that made the copy, and they are willing to make and mail copies to anyone who wants one, but you'd need their phone number and my name. Since I'm not supposed to give my name here, we'll have to work out those details if you express an interest.


Sterling's Daughter








Oh wow, Lisa! Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this treasure! I have never seen this picture before, I'm thrilled, and I know my dad will be too. I definitely will want a hard copy, just tell me what I need to do to make this happen. You can send me the details in a private message if you want. Thanks so much!



Well Lisa you have knocked my socks off with the Company A panoramic photo, let me see if I can return the favor. A couple of years ago my aunt gave to me my grandfather's address book he carried with him during the war. I checked this book and would you believe it, your father-in-laws name is included in it. I'm certain your father-in-law wrote this in himself because my grandfather was left handed and this is not his handwriting. I'm attaching an image of the page. How cool is this?


















Again, I am so thrilled to see this entire exchange!!!






Oh wow, Lisa! Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this treasure! I have never seen this picture before, I'm thrilled, and I know my dad will be too. I definitely will want a hard copy, just tell me what I need to do to make this happen. You can send me the details in a private message if you want. Thanks so much!



Lisa, what a great contribution!! Again, I echo Randy in letting you know my desire in getting a hard copy and would welcome a personal a message to let me know how to proceed. I can't tell you how happy I am that you have found our little merry band of 292d historians and hardcores. As I am sure everyone here agrees, anything that anyone has, finds or acquires will be welcome addition to our continued correspondence.


Thanks so much to Randy and Ralph and to all the others who have contributed. And a hearty Thanks to Marion for creating a space for all of us to be able to share the information that we have concerning these patriots. Individually we all have a just little info, but together we have a wealth of information that could only begin to be compiled because Marion wanted to honor her our own father. Thanks so much for this!

As they say, there is strength in numbers. Our fathers, grandfathers and uncles are all proud of our joint efforts! We are keeping the history alive and educating the generations!