Hello CaptO or can I cal you Tod,and hello Danny another fellow Dutchman here
Tod that is an nice build you got there,do or did you ad some aftermarkt stuff on this build?
For the others that aren,t into modelling,aftermarkt stuff are set,s wich you can use to detail your models even futher with.
For tanks and such you can buy ,,real,, tracks and photo etch that are some tiny metal bits to detail your model with.
And there are other aftermarkt detail set,s out there wich you can use to give your model an complete interior,it is so amezing what you can get nowaday,s that you have to see it your self what is possible.
I hope I have explaind it a little bitt what aftermarkt stuf is,if there are more question let me know.
Tod most of my models have interiors and such so I know what you mean!
I am building an M32B1 ARV and that one is getting an complete interior so I know it for sure,I have gotten from an fellow modeller some real good reference,s and I use that to base my M32B1 interior on.
Reference,s are like you know one of the most important ,,tools,, in detailing and/or correcting your model.
Marion thanks for you help it is most appriciated,if you hear an loud scream of joy you know that the books are here