Frank, these are very nice. Hey, I have a favor to ask. May I use some of these within my documentary? It would be very cool and very helpful to me.
Sure I have some more pics. Hey Marion, some of the veterans were engineers.
Will try to find out more.
Thanks Franck,
Great Pictures !!! Thanks for sharing !!
I am so much disappointed not to have been able to come !!
That's no problem Vee. It was very busy. I've seen a lot of people and I didn't have time to speak with them.
It was a very emotional day for a lot of people.
hey frank the engineers of the 2 nd armored division
where the 17 th engineers
i meet them this weekend in maastricht ,with the roll to the maas tour
1 of them was a compagny bugler ,i meet him afther i play taps on margraten -cementry
our re-enactment group is 2nd armored division / 17th engineers
and i am the compagny bugler
regards bas timmers
Major Francis Turner was from the 17th engineers.
Soem others were from 67 A.R. or A.I.R. (I can't read it that well)
armored infantry regiment / battailon ?
regards bas timmers
A picture report:
Old Frenkie captured a German 

A British SAS reenactor

US Tank plowing a field.

A P-51 Mustang opened the Military convoy. AWESOME!!!

Suddenly a Piper cup (recon airplane) circled above the village. Nice to see that too.

A Saxon in the convoy.