Lee Miller, a photographer, Vogue model, and muse to notorious artist Man Ray, lived an exceptionally rich, full life. Inspired by the artist's community in Montparnasse in the 1930s, she made a name for herself as a post-surrealist photographer and a war correspondent--accomplishments very different from those of other Vogue models. Called the most beautiful woman of her time, Miller claimed never to have wasted a moment of her life.
Thanks for posting that and for re-energizing this worthwhile topic. Excellent Vee!
Very interesting. I wasn't familiar with this. I wonder what the GIs thought (especially at the beginning of her being there) when this gorgeous model walked up in a scruffy uniform and helmet.

Lee Miller, covering WWII for Vogue teamed up with the American photographer David E. Scherman, a Life magazine correspondent on many assignments. The above photograph by Scherman of Miller in the bathtub of Adolf Hitlers house in Munich is one of the most iconic images from the Miller-Scherman partnership. The New York Times had this to say: A picture of the Führer balances on the lip of the tub; a classical statue of a woman sits opposite it on a dressing table; Lee, in the tub, inscrutable as ever, scrubs her shoulder. A woman caught between horror and beauty, between being seen and being the seer.
from - http://iconicphotos.wordpress.com/2010/01/07/lee-miller-in-hitlers-bathtub/
I have NEVER seen that photo. That is just incredible. Bathing in Hitler's tub in Munich. I have to admit it is almost creepy; to think that he bathed there too. What a photograph!