Posting at 2:18 AM today? Get some sleep woman!
I'll have something posted here in a little bit. . .
My Captain
without conviction
None But the Brave or ( L'île des braves )en French ?

Lee Marvin & Toshiro Mifune in "Hell in the Pacific "?
Lee Marvin & Toshiro Mifune in "Hell in the Pacific "?
I obviously need to make mine harder. Of course the one that I had people scratching their heads over was deleted when the forum was down. Curses!!

This one had a memorible song, at least i liked it

The photo reminds me of something from the old series, F Troop. Did that photo ring that bell for anyone else either.
Well, I have no guesses right now. Will have to think long and hard on this one. Good try Larry!
I got a new WI-FI card for the laptop so hopefully i can get online this week at work. Otherwise you may have to wait till friday for the answer. 
I got a new WI-FI card for the laptop so hopefully i can get online this week at work. Otherwise you may have to wait till friday for the answer.

Larry, and our clue! you have to forget?
I would like to know what movie this is!
Because ,I don't have no idea ! 