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Sorry Chuck !!


Vee :love7:

Ok I see nobody know's here another clue:



Vee ;)


Glenn Close..?

Glenn Close..?


Yes !!


Vee :love7:

Paradise Road?



YES ! YES ! Yes ! We have a winner !!To you now Darlene !


Vee ;)

I couldn't find an image of what I wanted to post: The Nazi with the coathanger from Indiana Jones. Instead, this is from one of my favorite films and the image is of a man that is not only known as an actor, but also as a musician. I own a couple of his CD's


post-256-1237717603_thumb.jpg ?

Moose is on the Loose!!!!

To you my friend

post-256-1237760708_thumb.jpgHere you go......

Moose & Co ?


Vee :lol:

"Bridge at Remagen" Starring Moose and Co.?