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post-256-1239386360_thumb.jpg Well little lady ? :armata_PDT_01:

All Quiet on the Western Front ?


Vee :pdt:

You Europeans obviously have more war-flicks than we do over here in the sitcks. ;)

All Quiet on the Western Front ?


Vee :pdt:



NO.... :rolleyes:

Big Parade ??


Vee :blink:

This was a British made, and a forerunner to the 'Eagle has Landed. :armata_PDT_01:

Hell's Angels ?


Vee :(

post-256-1239875065_thumb.jpg This British made film comes from 1942 and the violence shown shocked the British public when the film was released.:armata_PDT_01:

went the day well ?


SIR Moose , Very strong !! :armata_PDT_37: I really needed clue !! :armata_PDT_19:


Vee ;)

Yep.. Right on