Pfffffffffffff. That was a hard one. Really difficult.
Here's mine:
Hopefully this will last a while; I'm running out of war flicks that aren't really well known.
Here's mine:
Hopefully this will last a while; I'm running out of war flicks that aren't really well known.
Capt. Is this what you do in Iraq????? Wish I was there, yea right!! rocky
In between writing policy letters. 

That will once again be difficult !!
Is this a recent movie ?

Is this a recent movie ?
Within the last 30 years. I'll get more specific as the days go on - assuming it lasts that long.
Does this mean I'm stumping people? Here is another snap shot from the movie. It is out of proportion (which bugs me greatly as someone with a visual arts degree) but that's the way the movie has come to me.
Does this mean I'm stumping people? Here is another snap shot from the movie. It is out of proportion (which bugs me greatly as someone with a visual arts degree) but that's the way the movie has come to me.
Capt. Don't know nothing about movie, but in the pic. looks like the Artillery
firing comndr. is recieving instr. on where to aim the howitser. Rocky
The tube in question belongs to a T-72 Main Battle Tank.