The tube in question belongs to a T-72 Main Battle Tank.
Of course! 
Nope! More clues tomorrow. The computer I am on in my "can" (no not a toilet - it's our prefab living quarters in Iraq) has a very weak internet connection. Of course, the fact that I have it at all (internet, that is) is pretty amazing. Having a computer is very nice; I didn't last time. I am currently listening to Beethoven's 3rd symphony. Now, you might hear that and think I just go for classical - and I certainly do listen to a lot of it - but earlier today I was listening to The Doors, Alice in Chains, The Beatles, Robert Johnson (the blues singer from the '30's), and Black Sabbath. Normally you also find Jimmy Buffett, Elton John (selected Songs), Billy Joel (also a select few songs), Lois Armstrong, Buddy Rich, Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and of course, lots of Pink Floyd. Lots. As a matter of fact, they are the only group who has had a constant presence on my Sony Walkman (4 GB) since I got it. Other folks get swapped out on a regular basis.
So anyway, that's entertainment for me out here. I watch some shows (I have been watching "Rome" lately) or a movie (only about 3 since I got here) but I mostly read. The only problem there is I only get back to my can at about 2030 to 2200 (I average about 2130) and only have a little bit of time to do anything. I did get to watch a movie tonight. It was called "Brother's War" and I will have the whole story for you tomorrow in a new post. Wow, I'm real easy to please, but this was not real good. Moose should have been brought in as a military consultant because his training videos are much more enjoyable to watch! Better plot, too. 
Wow, I'm real easy to please, but this was not real good. Moose should have been brought in as a military consultant because his training videos are much more enjoyable to watch! Better plot, too. 
Thank you Todd, you are too kind.... 
Great photo, Moose. And if haven't said so recently, thanks for everything you do to honor what those guys did for us over there.
So here's some more screen shots:
Looks a little bit like Lawrence of Arabia.
I thought the horses might throw somebody! They make it look old, but those are AK-47's and RPG's! (Not to mention the T-72)
Rambo 3?

Isn't that the one where he shoots down the M-24 Hind with the explosive arrow?
And, no that's not it.
This was a Cold War movie, not set in the "near future" but as something that could have happened in the present day. If that doesn't help, don't know what will!