Perhaps an easy one. I have no idea.
Good luck!!!

This actor later went on to a famous U.S. TV show. He also shot the star of this film while they were out on a hunting trip. When this actor died, he left the shotgun to the actor he shot.
You are correct, Oh princess of the cinema!!!
The actor in the photo, Ward Bond, accidently shot John Wayne while on a hunting trip.
The Final Countdown!
I saw this movie when it first came out when I was in third grade (1980) and was already obsessed with WWII. I thought it was a very cool movie! Flash forward about 27 years. A few years ago I got it from Netflix because I hadn't seen it in so long. Well, I was sorely disappointed! The plot did not age well with a quarter century! Let's just say that by some freak happenstance, you were shot back in time just before Pearl Harbor (that is the premise of the movie; the aircraft carrier Nimitz goes back in time.) I certainly wouldn't even be tempted to interfere with the Japanese attack. For as long as I could, I would try to get back home and not jack-up the time line I had grown accustomed with. Apparently that doesn't bother those on the Nimitz and so they decide to thwart the attack. And just as they do. . . Oh! Never mind! there's the vortex that sent us here, let's go!
I probably shouldn't have tried to watch it again, and it would have always been a really cool movie in my memory!