I've tried to stick with movies I've seen. I was thinking about Sands of Iwo Jima but it would have been way too easy. Here's one I saw about a year ago, although it's not very new:

The Enemy Below or Torpilles sous l'Atlantique in French ?
Darn it all! I was hoping that would be up for at least a little while!!
Votre tour, Madame.
Like we are strong on this forum!!
Some words in French my captain
is very good ! Thank you very much !
I hope that he will be longer to find !

Perhaps some help Vee? About an actor or so ...
EHH EHH ! you both ! good morning
I am afraid of having been a little severe in this affair ! 
Hmm ! I do not know if I'll give you a clue ?
This is well because it's you
, It's the actor Jack Palace on the image .
Oooooo, you are mean! Just kidding Vee! This is fun!
Could it be ATTACK, with Eddie Albert???
Must have been that first cup of coffee a few minutes ago! YEEEEHAAAWWW!
By the way, makes me want to watch the movie again. I need to place it on my NetFlix queue.
Okay, let me think of one.... Back in a moment....