Somehow I managed to miss this post. What a shame, for the photos are A-1! The First picture of La Gleize area is just beautiful. Hard to believe so much hardship and death could occur there, for it looks so peaceful and tranquil.
I loved how they placed the names of soldiers on the stone wall.
Reg nice maps with arrows. It's cool that we can do things like that and show everyone the exact locations on terrain maps.
BTW, it's good to see you here Reg. 
it's good to see you here Reg.
Same here !
Great pictures, Frank! Like Vee, I am jealous! The closest war related thing to tour in Georgia (the state I currently call home) is the Prison at Andersonville. As for me, I'm not much of an American Civil War enthusiast so I wouldn't be as excited about it as I would touring WWII and WWI battlesites.
Great pictures, Frank! Like Vee, I am jealous! The closest war related thing to tour in Georgia (the state I currently call home) is the Prison at
Andersonville. As for me, I'm not much of an American Civil War enthusiast so I wouldn't be as excited about it as I would touring WWII and WWI battlesites.
Capt O,
I encourage you to go to Andersonville. There is a museum dedicated to all prisoners of war located there. It is a beautiful place and very moving.