Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Beirut bombing. One of the quotes I always think of is, "The BLT [battalion Landing team] is gone!" It was. 1/8 lost almost all of its members. It's rare to find senior SNCO's or ltCol's and up that don't know someone who died there. It was one of the first big salvos in the War against fundamental Islam and we missed it. They, however, learned a valuable lesson - hurt the US enough and we go away. It's hurting us today because while we may not be leaving Iraq (for the time being anyway) they still believe we will so they don't stop. Perhaps if we held tough then they would just assume we don't bow to terrorists and stop trying to pin-prick us to death, casualty by casualty.

Some good stuff here on the USMC site.
Yes, I believe in what you say, wholeheartedly. We MUST stand on our laurels and not cave in to one side or the other. I firmly believe that you only get from people, what you expect. That goes for the big or small, whether it's your children or an opposing country. If you back down, then people will stomp you.
I think we no longer carry the BIG STICK, and that is through our own fault. We wither and shy away, and wallow in our corner. It's no wonder we are sending the wrong message.
We've experienced this thing before in our own country. It comes under many names, whether it be isolationism, or any other descriptive adjective. It always leaves one true thing; and that is an oppressive hand. We leave ourselves vulnerable. Shame on us. Have we not learned enough lessons in our three centuries as a thriving, independent democracy?
Sad how easily we forget, and soon bicker amongst ourselves. We fail to see the bigger picture, and how we as an entire society fail one another, and give the others (in this case terrorists), the go ahead to sit at the head of our table.
I knew Father George Pucciarelli ("Pooch" to all his friends) well. The early part of his priesthood was in my parish. A great kind man! He was there in Lebanon with the Marines (24 MAU chaplain).
Father Pooch is shown in the photo at far right.
Photo of Father Pooch on the day of the bombing.
You are so right Capt O! These cartoons show it - our heroic Marines were sitting ducks.
Only when allowed to shoot back did the terrorists flee. You cannot reason with EVIL. Unfortunately, our so-called "educational system" has been indoctrinating a belief that democracy & capitalism are BAD and "multiculturalism" (meaning socialism, communism, atheism etc) is GOOD. God help us all!