Greeting All,
I am a Grandson of Staff Sergeant John. J Walkonis. of the 36th combat engineers, Co. C.
for the last several months I have been trying to retrieve every scrap of information I can about him.
He enlisted before the war, I believe he was in service 6 years prior. He was near his mid twenties when he was activated for the Second World War. He made 5 amphibious assaults, and was injured and discharged from Anzio.
His life was difficult after the war. His five children and wife, never knew who he was as he kept most of himself inside. he experienced night terrors every day of his life. I have requested his record be reconstructed. as his was destroyed like so many others in the big archive fire of the 70's. however, i feel i will be left with many more questions.
My goal is to find information about the man who was John J. Walkonis, and bring a side of him to light that none of his children or grandchildren ever knew. I hope I can find out more information about soldiers who served in his company and at the same time find out more about him. I wish to know what happened to him in Anzio, as the stories that have been told are filled with holes. If anyone has information regarding him or the fighting men of company, "C", I would be eternally in your debt.
I speak on his and my families behalf. John passed away in 2003.
He is in the 36th engineers history book under Company C. He looked like quite a character in my opinion.
S.SGT, John J. Walkonis, 36th engineers Co. "C" WWII
Frank De Jesus
[son of Denise Walkonis(Daughter of John Walkonis)]
Greetings, Frank!
You've certainly came to the right place; Marion has tons of information on the 36th and other Engineer units.
Todd O
Thank you Todd!
I am looking forward to it!
Welcome from a Belgian member. 
Welcome Welcome!!!
I was in your situation last year. My dads record was also destroyed during the fire and I couldnt all I could find on the internet was obits for former members of his unit. For six months I googled his unit every couple of weeks. I finally spoke to someone in his battallion who gave me a good idea of the 1251st trip through Europe. I still kept googling and lo and behold, I finally found a guy from his unit that actually knew him. He and I have been email buddies every since.
Hang in there!!!
Hi all!
Does anyone have possession of any morning reports for the 36th combat engineers? those would have more descriptive detail about when my grandfather was injured.
to add,
I have decided to begin interviewing my family members about my grandfather. I will be asking questions about who he was after the war, and who they thought he was before and during the war. I will be signing out an HD camera from school and filming these interviews. On thanksgiving I will be going to my uncles with a scanner. he has most of my grandfathers pictures from the war days. I will pass them along and hope they can provide many of you with more information.
If anyone has any information that could assist me or point me in the right direction for assistance, I am in your debt.
Thanks again everyone!
-Frank De Jesus
(Grandson of S.SGT. John J. Walkonis co. "C")
Hi all!
Does anyone have possession of any morning reports for the 36th combat engineers? those would have more descriptive detail about when my grandfather was injured.
Hi Frank, on the main page of this site, check the history link for the 36th, There are several Sit-Reps (situation reports} there. read thru this one, it covers the time frame for Anzio:
Thanks Larry. I am so happy all you guys have been filling in for me in during my extended and fluctuating absence from our forum.
Just a reminder to all who frequent the forum; it appears many forget there is a MAIN SITE, and this is simply a forum, an extension of my site. Do not forget to search and peruse the wealth of information stored there. Thanks!