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Our forum member Reg and his wife, Anne, have been trying to adopt a baby, and I am happy to report the paper work has gone through and they are now waiting to pick up their son in a few months. Here's two of the letters he sent my way. Just had to share. CONGRATS you two!!! :clappin2:




Dear All ,


A few days ago you received my mail telling you we have become proud parents .


Attached you find the first pics of our son . One taken when he was 5 months . The other one taken about 10 days ago .


We will be flying into Ethiopia to pick him up in about 3 months from now .


His name is MATHIEU Jans , pronounced as Matthew but without the ‘W’ and is a real stud…J


All the best





Dear friends ,


I’m writing this messages during my lunch break with tears in my eyes .


Two hours ago we received a phone call from the adoption agency to congratulate us for becoming parents of a healthy boy , born 17 february 2008 .


That’s all we know so far , being very weary from receiving that call we forgot his original name so I have to call them back later this afternoon .


Tomorrow they are expecting us at the office where we will get all the info about our son and we can see his face on a picture for the first time .


We didn’t have a chance yet to personally inform our family . They’ll find out about it tomorrow .


In times of crisis and wars there’s always a light that shines somewhere . Today it shines in our hearts and so it will be for the rest of our life.


A very proud mom and dad



More info tomorrow ……

Take care




HE LOOKS LIKE A REAL LIVE WIRE!!!!! :bluejumper:


Hey Rocky and Mare ,


Thanks ... Anne and I are really thrilled and do believe the next few months will be the longest ever ....



BTW, Happy Anniversary too. That's quite a present! :pidu:

BTW, Happy Anniversary too. That's quite a present! :pidu:




Mathieu's latest - Now living in Belgium


As we say in da states, "He Be Bad!" :pdt12:


I just love this one. Received it this week.
