Morning Steve:
The full letter that he is referring to on the Letters and Stories Page is copied below. George saw the letter from Ang there and everything else is history... 
Dear Marion,
Thank you for caring.
I managed to obtain my dad's IDPF which gave some information that I didn't quite expect. Apparently he was married, but, legally separated. He had a wife and three children, from there I eventually made contact with the son of my half brother (both have the same name as my dad).
Sadly there is only one sibling left alive and her name is Peggy-Ann and she lives in North Carolina. When my nephew contacted her she made it clear that she wasn't interested, obviously there was a lot of ill-feeling and she also stated that there was no photographs.
Back to NARA. No I haven't applied for morning reports, I'm not sure how to get them. I would also like my dad's medical records or something that may give a description of him. I'm sure he was handsome, but, even if he wasn't, I still love him.
Personal details from his file say born 15th January, 1916, place of birth New Jersey. It gives his mum's address as Trenton and her death as 2nd December, 1943. His father died when he was about 14 years old so I am assuming that is why he never went to high school.
His only award was his 'combat infantryman's badge' dated 9th December, 1944.
He enlisted at Fort Dix 18th May, 1942 and his serial No is 32267952 Pvt Gilbert M Bush died 8th May, 1945 Dortmund area of Germany. He should have been coming back to my mum.
The one thing that confuses me is if he was in France in December 44, how and why did he go back to England in January? Was he injured? He was definitely in the London area early 45, but, that was when I was conceived. My mum spoke of an incident when he was locked up for being drunk, he bribed one of the M.P.'s to buy a valentines card so that my mum wouldn't be too
upset. So that means he was still in England 14th February.
The person who identified him was a Capt. Raymond McCally, he stated that my dad had been sent as a replacement and that he knew him personally for two and a half months which tallys if my dad was sent back late February. I have spoken to Mrs McCally, but, she was unable to help
The other thing that worries me a little is that his buddy Chester Yates TEC4 from Illinois who died with him, had my dad's testament in his effects. It crossed my mind that their bodies may have been mixed up, but, that is by-the-by. The only personal effects my dad had was 2$ and 46 cents. How sad, to leave this world with nothing.
I can't think of anything else at the moment that might help, it is all so messy.
I bet this will give you a headache too!
Love Ang.