
Full Version: The Diekirch museum
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Frank Gubbels

Hello everyone.


Last Sunday I went to Luxembourg with a friend of me who is also interested in WW2.


We went to Diekirch to visit the National museum. If you are in the neighbourhood you will have to visit this museum. It's outstanding.


Here is a picture report.


At the entrance there are 2 US sherman tanks and 3 canons. I only know that the last canon is a 105 mm houwitser.



They putted a part of Siegfried line in front of the tank. (The Dragonteeth where you can dry your laundry ;) )



Big canon



The Long Tom. A US 155 mm Houwitzer.



Voie de la liberte. Liberty post as you can also see in Normandy.



105 mm Houwitser. Jeroen is standing in front of it.



Tag at the side of the Houwitser.


Camouflaged US amphibious vehicle. They used this kind of vehicles to transport the wounded from the front to the hospital or aid station.



US mortar crew in a caved in building.



Handmade US flag. Some American GI's made this flag. they used the red from an official NAZI flag.



The Germans used every vehicle they could. Look at the Panzerfausts!



German canon crew.



There was still an airborne patch which I haven't seen before.



The shell with the red mark is from a sherman tank. It isn't that large ...



... the shell with the red mark is from a German 88. THAT'S large!!!


US anti aircraft canon



and it's name :)



The German Kubelwagen. I couldn't get a better shot of it.



Flak vierling. German anti aircraft canon.



Jagdpanzer Hetzer.



Mauser anti-tank rifle.



And 3 German Sturmgewehre (assault rifles).



Well that's it. There is a lot more to see but you'll have to see it with you own eyes. There is a separate section about the Luxembourg army. I don't have clear shots of that :( .





Great pic's Frank !! I'm so jealous :armata_PDT_19: !! Hopefully I could make it out there some time.


Thank you again for sharing your beautiful photos . :pdt34:




Here The German 88 of WWII


Vee ;)


Thanks Vee.

Oh the wealth of museums in Europe. We would be in heaven. :drinkin:


Loved your comment


... the shell with the red mark is from a German 88. THAT'S large!!!


I always loved when the GI's painted names on their guns, etc. Hitler's Hell is no exception. Some were very creative, some right to the point. Just gave me an idea; we should start a new post with the painted phrases from various GI's throughout the war. Ya, that would be cool.

Well that's a good idea Marion. I will try to find as much as I can.

Great Photos Frank :armata_PDT_37: , I think the Museum in Diekirch is the best around, but about the German Tank are you sure it's a Jagdpanther? Is it not rather a Jagdpanzer Hetzer? :14_4_102:

From the audiophone I understood it was a Jagdpanther but it can be Jagdpanzer Hetzer as well.

It is indeed an Hetzer (used by the Swiss after WWII) and not a Jagdpanther.

It was restored as one - I think - supporting the 352th Volksgrenadier Division.



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