Received this today. Called the AEA store, and already have a poster secured for Chris! Essayons. Happy to send this your way, free of charge. Stay safe and essayons! 
Dear Marion,
Is there any place to buy a copy of the “WE CLEAR THE WAY” WW II Army Corps of Engineer poster? I am an engineer with the USACE currently serving in Iraq.
There was a huge display of the poster in one of my dining halls at Camp Victory on the West side of Baghdad. I have since been shipped to another location in Iraq and I miss seeing it.
I have seen it on the web- historical discussions, etc. but, I have not seen anyone selling reprints. I was wondering if anyone was offering then for sale.
Thank you,
Chris Giordano
US Army Corps Engineers
Gulf Region Central, Iraq

Good to hear from you again today. It's wonderful to be able to stay in touch. Sounds as though all is going well at your end.
All our best to everyone there.
In WWII the engineer unit for the 36th Inf Div, was the 111th.
Thanks for spreading the word about our site. Sure nuff 'preciate that! 
I've been meaning to tell you; I've seen a few soldiers walking around with 36th Combat Engineer Regiment (Rugged! Hu-ah!) SSI's.

I stopped and talked to a couple of them and talked up your website. Another unit I see around here (remember I'm at Al Asad) is the 36th Infantry Division.

Rocky I believe you have some experience with those guys as did the 540th. At least they were in the same theater. Speaking of Rocky, I also saw a guy with a 442nd patch.

Finally, Moose will find this interesting, there are a ton of 101st AB guys running around.

Not sure what they are doing here, but there are a lot of them. I think these must be from some 101st REMF brigade, but I'm not sure. There's not a whole lot of tip-of-the-spear infantry guys here on base.
Capt.0, the 36th Div. remembers the 151st Field artillery. At Salerno the 151st
kept the Krauts from pushing the 36th back off the beach. The 151st was a brigade
of the 34th Dvn. on assignment to the 36th for the Salerno invasion. Then the
34th and 36th made the Rapido river crossing. Strange to see the 442nd patch
over there. Rocky
Received a wonderful letter in the mail from Chris.
The poster and engineer stamp (threw that in as an extra) arrived safely in Iraq. It had told Chris is was meant as a GIFT from me to him, for his service rendered, but he sent along a ck to me. He stated he appreciated my offer of "no charge", but he said he wanted to pay for the items, and said he knew the money would be put to good use.
He said this was his first deployment overseas, and stated, "It just so happens that I was chosen for Irag. I could just as easily ended up in Afghanistan. Maybe on my next tour!"
He went on to say, "Everyone that I have worked with has been kind and helpful. That is much appreciated this far from home."
Well Chris, it is my absolute pleasure to work with you, and I will always support "my boys" overseas.
Essayons and God bless,