My Cousin Dan Wells sent me this information today. It details the actions of the 691rst TDB in support of Infantry units from Fall of 1944 until V-E Day. Dan's Father was my Uncle, Sgt. Verian "Rusty" Wells, a Tank Commander in the 691rst. Hope you find this as interesting as I did...

Marion's note: In addition to Jim's jpg file, I also converted a copy to a PDF. This will enable others to download it and use the READ OUT LOUD feature, since the original might be hard on older eyes.

Jim Hennessey would love to read this because it mentions his 87th Inf Div. It may be hard for you to read though, so make sure you click on the JPG file once it's open to enlarge it.
Maybe I will try converting to PDF, so it reads OUT LOUD. Let's see what I can do later...
A day later....Been there, done that! 
I apologize for the poor quality image, but I am not in possession of the actual document..just a scan. For those who are interested it makes a big difference if you can enlarge it as Marion suggested. Sounds like Uncle Rusty and the 691rst spent most of their time at the tip of the spear along with all the infantry units that are mentioned. Today my cousin Dan sent me the name of the place where Sgt. Wells saved the other man's life during an artillery & mortar barrage. It's called "Rechicourt La Petite France" (that's for you, Vee
). He also sent me an aerial view of it as it looks today, but it's hard to make out any detail other than hedgerows. If Jim Hennesey or the veterans of any other unit mentioned here can recall the place I'd be grateful to learn more about events that took place.

Very interesting document.
Thank you for sharing it. 
Thank You Vee, for everything!

Thank You Vee! Here is a photo of a large sign..."somewhere in Germany, 1945" I think it might interest Mr. Jeeper 
Wow, that is large. Wonder how big it was? Do I see a truck in the background? That would give it some scale.
Wow, that is large. Wonder how big it was? Do I see a truck in the background? That would give it some scale.
I want to thank all those concerned
who brought this item to me. On
behalf of my fellow 87th Comrades,our history is held very dearly in our hearts
and minds. Thank You So Much.
God Bless Our America
Jim Hennessey-87th-Jnf.Div.