Here in France on the TV 8, 15 and September 22, 2009 - In six episodes of 52 minutes, the Apocalypse series chronicles the Second World War through the eyes of those who lived it: the soldiers on the battlefield, civilians and policy makers policies. Stratégie militaire et témoignages du quotidien se mêlent dans cette série documentaire grand public, constituée d'images d'archives et construite comme une fresque cinématographique. Military Strategy and Evidence of daily mingle in this documentary series general public, consisting of archival images and constructed as a cinematic fresco.

The best documentary I've ever seen so far . It really shows all sides of the war. ... It's frightening, especially the last two episodes, it is unbearable ... we will never forget the heroes who have fallen so that we can live free!
The best documentary I've ever seen so far . It really shows all sides of the war. ... It's frightening, especially the last two episodes, it is unbearable ... we will never forget the heroes who have fallen so that we can live free!
Yes VEE---and also including those that are still here.....
I watched it again tonight and as usual I absorbed some bits of info that I missed the first time around. First bit: As soon as the Allies turned over the newly liberated Buchenwald death camp to the Soviets, Stalin wasted no time in adding it to his Gulag system, where dissidents were imprisoned. We've talked about this before, but it's worth remembering that the liberation of Europe was very short lived for millions of Europeans who were absorbed by the Stalinist regime... Meet the new Boss...same as the old Boss.
One other thing I probably knew but had forgotten : That the first Atomic bomb was meant for Berlin,but it wouldn't be ready in time, so it was dropped on Japan. That's something I'll always be grateful to President Truman for doing, because I'm sure it saved my Dad's life. He had reenlisted for the end of the war plus 6 months. 
Meet the new Boss...same as the old Boss.
Amen to that. History repeats itself and one right after the other. Traded for another insane regime.
Amen to that. History repeats itself and one right after the other. Traded for another insane regime.
Hello M1,
Sad to report that history has already started to repeat itself in Ukraine as well as other former Soviet states. My buddy Max has become very depressed following the recent elections in which the pro-Moscow candidate defeated the pro-Western democracy candidate by a very narrow margin. Already the "New Boss" has taken steps to repeal the powers given to their congress following the 'Orange Revolution' which have kept the president from having complete control (dictatorial) over the government of Ukraine. I should mention that Max "hates Russians" and he is very proud of being a Ukrainian and not a Russian. His grandfather fought under the red flag in WWII but he did it to liberate his people from the Nazis rather than any love for Stalin. Before becoming friends with Max and his family I thought they were all Russians, but they are not. They speak different languages, use different currency and have different customs and beliefs than actual Russians, and I have learned that Russia has always been the center of anti-western aggression. It is heart breaking to see a people who have had just a brief period of relative freedom be on the verge of losing it again to yet another dictator (or 'dick, for short!
Sorry to hear about that. Sad, but also boils my blood. Seems people never, never learn!! Why!?! I don't know what it will take to shake to the tree?