A thought for today. This should never be forgotten.
Mass murder of American prisoners of war at Malmedy.
The massacre was committed by troops of 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Kampfgruppe Peiper.

I visited the area about 3 weeks ago. This is how the field looks like nowadays:

I have read several books about The Battle of the Bulge and I remember reading one account about a US Army CO who had taken part in it. Can't remember his unit and won't mention any names lest I get it wrong, but what stuck out in my mind was reading how this officer bought into Pieper's version of the Malmedy massacre being "an unfortunate accident" and actually befriended him (Pieper) after the war. Astonishing to me...How did those SS soldiers "accidently" machine gun eighty-some GI's who were bound hand and foot? It's no surprise why this massacre led to a "No SS Prisoners taken" sentiment by many Allied troops once the word got around about Malmedy.
Sarge. Thanks for posting this again this year. You are absolutely right.
BTW, congrats on the "Banana Bar"!
I guess I'll take this opportunity to talk up Saints and Soldiers. It's a great movie that we have talked about before. The action is set up with the Malmedy Massacre and continues from there. One nice thing about it is that it portrays Christians in a positive light (as a matter of fact it is a major factor in the soldiers escaping.) It is a real departure from most Hollywood - primarily because it wasn't a Hollywood production.

Here, here!!!! We loved the movie too. Except for men like Tom Hanks, the rest of Hollywood can stay away.