I don't know if you can help me or not! I am an elderly lady and believe it or not, I am still searching for anyone who was stationed with or knew my biological father! I was told that he was in the Army Corp. of Engineers, I have not idea which unit! I do know this much:
His name was to be Bill Williams, he was to be a Captain or a Colonel, he was at an Army encampment in l944 at Mt. Gretna which is a Brethern Church Camp, that was being leased partly by the Army National Guards of Pennsylvania, today known as Indiantown Gap, I believe it was also that name in l944. I've found through research that the Army Corp of Engineers laid pipe line at this camp ground in l944.
I was told that he came from Reno Kansas/Reno Nevada or perhaps State of Washington. The reason all this is so skeptical is that my late mother wanted to forget her past, and I didn't want to hurt anyone including his family by looking. I am sorry now that I didn't. I know that he would have to be deceased, but I am hoping by putting his photo everywhere I can put it, someone will recognize him, and tell me what he was like!! And identify the name with the photo! I am attaching the photo, and wonder if I could put it on your site??
Or do you have any other ideas? I've had a military researcher look for him, but there were 1002 William Williams in WW 2! The photo is the main hope...as I don't even know 100% that was his name, my mother said it was????? Please advise what you think I could do if you have any better ideas. St. Louis won't give me much help and also the researcher said about all the records that were destroyed in the fire in l975! A friend suggested I go right to the Army Corp. of Engineers and that is how I found your web site... My name is Teena Eaton, teena@pa.net Please let me know what you think!
Thanking you in advance for any help you can give! Photo attached
To get in touch with Teena, please call 717-789-3873
If you would like to email her, get in touch with me. I don't want to post her email address in the open, for fear of spammers.