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And the new one. Let's hope it will be as tough as my last one :P.


Good luck:



Major général Leland S. Hobbs ?


Vee :)

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:


You're right Vee. Good luck on the next one :)

And the new one:


Good luck !!


Vee ;)


I must admit to being pretty clueless on most British Generals.

A little clue He commanded the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division


Vee :P

A little clue He commanded the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division


Ah, you make it too easy!! I give others a little while and chime in if no one else answers!

Major-General Roderick Keller?

Major-General Roderick Keller?



Yes Marion :The Queen:


Major General Rodney Frederick Leopold Keller


Vee ;)

:clappin2:Okay testing to see how much you guys pay attention!!!!


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