Hi all
well I decided to build my own website dealing with all my tours I amde so far to the varoius battlesites in Europe. Lots pf photos and information.
here is the link: http://standwheretheyfought.jimdo.com/
Any guestbook entry is appreciatet.
best regards
Hi Jürg,
Great site! I didn't get to get into it that much because I'm currently at work, but what I saw was very interesting. I do have a question, however. When I clicked on the thumbnails it would shoot me to the top of the page, but didn't show a larger version of the image. My network here at work may not be making something work so I don't know if it is me or not. Does anyone else have that problem?
Just read your article and watched the link. Didn't see anything about North Africa or Italy.
The 34th Inf. Divn, was the first to be swent to the ETO. Made landings in No. Africa and
Italy with over 600 days of combat. We didn't make it to Normandy,etc,etc, No. Africa has
been quoted as the forgotten front. just an old dogface of the 34th.
Hi Jürg,
Great website ! I really enjoy the " then and now " photos, including some of my favorite places the Normandy.
you'll be in Normandy in june ? I would be there for the june 6 !
Ps :Todd , I was not a problem for the larger version of the image. it work well !!
Just read your article and watched the link. Didn't see anything about North Africa or Italy.
The 34th Inf. Divn, was the first to be swent to the ETO. Made landings in No. Africa and
Italy with over 600 days of combat. We didn't make it to Normandy,etc,etc, No. Africa has
been quoted as the forgotten front. just an old dogface of the 34th.
I am sorry but I did not made it to Northafrica so far! I am working on it. However, as the Westerfront is far closer to where I live, I will focus on those sites.
Captain - It's your work environment restrictions, as you guessed. Thumbnail blow-ups working fine on this end.
Very nice website. Keep up the good work
Just read your article and watched the link. Didn't see anything about North Africa or Italy.
The 34th Inf. Divn, was the first to be swent to the ETO. Made landings in No. Africa and
Italy with over 600 days of combat. We didn't make it to Normandy,etc,etc, No. Africa has
been quoted as the forgotten front. just an old dogface of the 34th.
Rocky my dear, you have to remember that many of the people who frequent our site and pay tribute to the WWII veterans and battles which ensued, do not live in Italy. They are from northern France, Belgium, etc., and are covering the history which incurred in their countries.
If I can speak for Juerg and his fellow historians, I know they mean no disrespect. As I stated before, I'm sure I am going to catch flak for not covering various units etc. in my documentary, but as above, it is not meant to be comprehensive.

My Dear M1--I just meant it as an observation or I thought it was just a very light comment,
nothing more. Which incidently the two links that Vee sent were, (are), beautiful !!!!!!!!
Ah, just doing my job! Trying to make sure there are no misunderstandings with all parties involved.
:squirrel 4: