Dear Jean:
Once again thank you for your unadulterated praise. I do try my best to keep the ball rolling, though every now and then, I start to run out of steam, but something always gives me a good kick in the ass, and I re-gather my momentum and begin anew.
As you can imagine, even though we are well-intentioned and motivated, we are only human and at times get bogged down in the everyday aspects of life and sometimes our passions wane. It certainly isn't intentional on my part, nor that I am losing interest, but it happens...
I know I still have so much more to do, and have so many people counting on me, including myself, and I am my worse critic. LOL! I sometimes get exasperated by everything piling up around me, so have to pull back, reassess the situation, and then drive on. Sometimes all it takes is a day or two away, other times it takes something more momentous, such as hearing from a "new" WWII veteran, or losing someone near my heart, to get me back in the groove. I never know where my next bit of inspiration will be derived from; a TV show, a news article, etc., etc.
I just designed a new logo for the site, which I shared elsewhere on the forum today. That gave me a good boost and I realize I have to get back to work on the documentary. A lot of that is simply getting my arse back in the production seat, but some of it unfortunately also depends on funding. I always hate to bring money into the equation, but as with any project, will power and desire unfortunately only get you so far.
OMG, realize I am babbling away and have to laugh!
But I guess I just wanted to say thanks, and let you know (and people like yourself), just how important it is to hear from you. It makes my world go round and keeps my inspired.