As stated on the news today. Many think this is totally one-sided. Will await more information to hear both sides of story.
Our shakey 'alliance' with Pakistan on the War against Terror smells very similar to the partnership we had with Stalin in WWII, only this time our unlikely ally already has nuclear weapons,whereas Uncle Joe didn't have nukes until several years after the war ended, which meant that we still had an ace in the hole had our relations with Russia completely collapsed.
Pakistan already has nuclear weapons and I'm just as concerned about that as I am with Iran and North Korea having them. I am inclined to believe that these leaks are probably fairly accurate. I don't normally post in current events, but this development has my attention. I guess I'm one who has not yet been able to warm up to the idea that most Muslims are peace loving people and it's only "a tiny fraction" of them who are Islamic Extremists that want to destroy all that western democracies hold near and dear. I won't even pretend to have a solution for
this mess...