Can I add my thoughts to those above and say I across the pond wish you well. I'll sing with you but that might need more than earplugs!
The latest from Russ...
FYI. Sunday best wishes to one and all. 29 December 2011 is the day the throat surgon operates on this return cancer tumor or whatever it is. Possibilities are wide ranging. from simple surgery to voice box removal. They wont know until they get in there and I will be out cold and already given then the go ahead to do what is necessary. You can help as usual, with your prayers. Thanks, Russ Weiskircher. PS Pray for Janie too because she shares the stress and needs some friendly consideration. I was slated for the 15th and then the 20th and I put if off so that we might enjoy our 66th Christmas together.
Please pray for a great outcome, everyone!
Dear Russ and Janie:
Yes indeed, good thoughts and vibes are being sent your way. Only thinking positive thoughts. We need your voice box, for you are still a great spokesperson for those who can no longer speak!!!
With lots of love,
Latest news from this week....
Greetings: This will be brief because I am tired, hungry and relieved, or reprieved. Surgery was short and sweet and I am on hold until next week, probably Wednesday while they do the pathology and complete the diagnosis. The surgeon is optimistic and I hope he his right. Please keep us in your prayers. I sure want to get rid of any recurring throat cancer. More later when I get the complete report. Russ
Well this is certainly not good. This is oh so sad. I am very disturbed by this. I sent him a card this morning to let him know I am thinking of him every day.
I wish I could shout with optimism, but truth is the future is rather clouded. I saw my throat surgeon today and based upon the Emory hospital surgical review and other tests, I now understand that the voice box removal surgery is indicated as the one way to treat the new tumor BUT the surgery is too intense for my damaged heart. So back to North East Georgia Medical Center. Back to limited surgery on the 23rd of February. Further radiology is not an option. It appears that I might face a series of frequent limited surgeries or even some installation of a breathing tube in my throat. Nothing is certain now except God's will. I ask you to remember my dear wife as we face this, remember and inspire my surgeon and the doctors and keep us in your prayers. More as the future unfolds. Sorry for the wholesale type response but I am not up to answering all of the more than 50 inquiries and well wishes. Love you all,,,,,,hope to be around as long as I can get around and not be a burden. Russ Weiskircher
Folks: I am back from another surgery. This time they trimmed the tumor on my voice b ox. It was quick and painless but still took half a day with prep and travel., It sppears this is one attempt to curb or slow the growth and only time will reveal its degree of success. I face this every eight to 12 weeks. The voice will not improve and the tumor wont go away but it may buy some time. Please keep us in your prayers. Russ Weiskircher
This just seems so unfair....
A quick round robin to keep you all informed. Today my throat surgeon determined that the previous tumor shrinking has stopped. So we are back to square one with the possibility of major surgery despite previous decisions. I will go back for trim surgery on 5 April with follow up measurements and evaluation on 25 April and that is decision time. Merntime I am asking you all to keep up your prayers. The good Lord wont forget us but his plan may not be my first choice. There is no choice, I am gettig knee deep in seeking out assisted living and a life style change for us and soon....More later, Russ
Boy, oh boy, I think Russ and Janie could use some good news in here somewhere. It's so sad to hear all this...
Another update. Way to go Russ!!!!
Just a quick note to keep you posted on my throat cancer progress. I had limited surgery today, a trim. The surgeon reports that all went well and the detailed evaluation with photography will happen later this month. Because of my weak heart, I am limited to surgical trims as opposed to a complete voice box removal. I feel fine, a little hungry, a bit tired, but very appreciative of so many fine friends who sent cards, phoned, prayed and for a terrific medical staff. If I understand this correctly, the doctor will want to do another trim in about three months.He is calling me tonight with more details. Thanks again for your interest and for your prayers. Russ Weiskircher
(Excuse the group address approach but I am too tired to attempt individual response today.)