After half a day of inconvenience and probing and pictures etc, it has been determined that I have a growth at the very base of my vocal chords. It is benign! It comes our surgically on 17 August at North East Ga Medical Ctr. I have to cut out some current medication and take some other stuff by way of preparation. Details later. Prognosis is piece of cake, 15 minute operation, 80 percent voice recovery immediately and the rest in time. Pray for no complications....I for one am saying a prayer of thanks right now. Russ
Dear Russ:
All our love and thoughts and prayers are with you. Love you lots. Take care and keep me informed.
great news, Russ. Sending hugs and love your way!!!
He appreciates it. He really does.
I would like to repeat it: Great news!!
Well, we are not sure how the heck this happened, after they gave him a the thumbs-up, but...
I have little or no details other than the news that the growth removed from my throat last week was/is cancerous. They are setting up appointments for examination and treatment by an oncologist. No details. I am told it was/is in the earliest possible stage and treatment/cure is more than likely in excess of 98%. When I know more, I will inform you all, meantime your prayers please. Russ
So let's put our prayers caps back on and...

You have my thoughts and prayers, Russ
Many Hugs,