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Flying Tiger - Plane of the month at the luncheon


framed medals

Is this one of the shadow boxes the Frank DeAngelis has provided to members of the 101st ?

That may well be Jiggers. I will find out for sure.

This will take a while to write, so I will do it in chapters...


Well, Papa Art and I arrived at the luncheon about 10:30 and a good crowd was already milling around. George was propped up comfortably against the windowed wall talking to several of his buddies. I grabbed a few things out of my bag and and headed over to see him. One of the first things I had to share was the set of 540th Interview Questions/Answers that one of MY vets had sent to me. I gave George a big kiss and said, "This is because of you." He smiled and had this questioned look on his face. I said, remember when we first went out to dinner and you shared your interview questions for your books with me? Well you inspired me to create a set of my own that were specifically related to the 540th.


I then handed him the professionally bound set that Bill Vander Wall had lovingly put together. He glanced through it and continued smiling. Said it was wonderful. I told him there was more and proceeded to tell him that Bill had not only done this for me, but that I had inspired him so much that he made 25 copies for all his children and grandchildren. He was so pleased and very happy for me. I told him again that this was all in thanks to him. It was a nice moment.


Later I went back to talk to him and asked him if he got my email that I recently sent him. No he said, I can't get my email. So I said no problem and that I kind of expected that and had already printed the letters. Told him that this was from one of his old students from high school. He was just astounded. He kept asking me, really? As he read the letters he got a bit choked up. He was just thrilled. I said that when I got back home I would contact Fred and give him your phone number. Oh please do he said, I would love to talk to him.


Jumping ahead a bit, I got in touch with Fred and George and Fred were reunited this week by phone. Ain't that great?


More later. Have to make some coffee and get ready for work. ;)

Fantastic story, Marion!!! Keep up the good work!

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