I am looking for info on my great uncle George l Hinkle. He was a member of Bat B 880th Fld Art BN. I found his enlistment record and vet burial card. I am really looking for info on his unit and what they did. Thanks in advance for any help and consideration!!!
Saw the double post on this topic and deleted it. Thanks. Okay back to business...
Welcome Mike. Glad Larry gotcha off to a good start. I can always count on him.
Thanks for joining out little family here. We are always happy to assist.
Sorry about the double post. It came up with an error so I redid it and it double posted. My bad!
Larry thanks for those links. I will take a look at them later. You are a man with a lot of knowledge! I am glad that people like yourself share what they know. Other wise myself and other like me would be lost.
I look forward to reading posts on your site. I did want to tell you that in my great search of info on my great uncle paul, I came across another posting board, that he posted a lot too and they have given me some good info and made contact with a few people that are helping me out. They also mentioned this site to coellect info and said that your site is very good. Just wanted to pass that on
That wasn't you Mike, it's the board which created the problem. It's due to the server I'm on and has happened several times, even to me. When the new server is ready, it will hopefully alleviate some of the problems which have been occurring.
And thanks for posting the comments regarding the other site and their kind words. That makes my day.

Yes, Larry is a wealth of knowledge. He is a good researcher and is a highly prized commodity on our forum. He's like my twin. OMG, there's two of me running around.
But seriously it sure is nice having someone like Larry to depend upon. As this site grows, it's nice to have some backup.
Ok, I am glad I didn't upset you!! Technology is great when it works properly.
A twin... Well here in this universe its good to have back up. Just way too much to do for one person. I think Larry is a good fit!
I know this might be a stupid guestion (i know, the only stupid question is the one not asked), but I was looking at the links provided by Larry, however I am still a bit lost. They are for the 69th Inf. Div. how where/are they related. I am sorry I am not into the military structure and I get lost very quickly. But thank you for the links!!
the 880th was an organic unit of the 69th Infantry Division, meaning they were a permanant divisional unit always under command & control of the division Headquarters. Every infantry division was made of many units, ie: 3 infantry regiments, HQ Company, an Engineer Combat Battalion, Medical Detachment, Quartermaster company...etc, and they had 4 artillery battalions, 3 Light Field Artillery Battalions which were 105MM howitzers & 1 Medium Field Artillery Battalion with 155mm howitzers.
These 4 field artillery battalions main job was to support the operations of the division`s infantry regiments.
The 3 Light Field Artillery Battalions (105mm) of the 69th INF Div were the 879th FA Bn, The 880th FA Bn and The 881st FA Bn; The Medium Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) was the 724th Medium F A Bn
Ah, thanks Larry. We sometimes have to remind ourselves that not all our viewers are military savvy. Hope that helped ya!