Happy Brithday to you Marion, have a nice day with all my love Vee

All my very best wishes to you today Marion. Have a good Easter there too!
You guys are just the best. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Just got on the forum and saw this. So sweet.
Kisses and hugs. And Joe, thanks for the great photo!!!!!
Mother nature has even sent a present this morning; the SUN IN OUT. We haven't seen that in about a week!!!! 
Has it been a year since I sent you the Bart Simpson thing? Lord! Feels like it's just been a month or two! For those of you who weren't around, see the attachment. I'll have to work out something new for you.

Ya, can you believe it? Where did the time go?
It was a very good year, and once again I feel very blessed to have good health, good family and good friends. That's what life is ALL about Charlie Brown (or should I say Bart?)
Thanks Todd!!!
Happy birthday to you again Marion and I hope you will have a wonderful day with your family.
Best wishes,
Happy Birthday Marion
From Larry & Sandi