Here I am to post other cool photo of a hill in the village of Pizzano (Monterenzio - north of Borgo Bisano)
Here the men of the 85th, probably in a lull, had engraved in the rock wall the names of their hometowns and states of provenience!
A curiosity, a legend about this small canyon: the soldiers had carved two statues depicting two nude womens, unfortunately there is nothing left because an avid collector would have made ??to remove them to use as collector's items... Legend? Truth? Unfortunately we'll never know ... But it's nice to believe 
Fantastic! Only now I have noticed a clear name engraved ... Birtchel Rhymer. Serial number from NARA: 35681424
If anyone can find him or find some relatives would be wonderful!
I hope they are to your liking!

Very, very cool. It's great to see the engravings after all these years. Proof that many GI's passed through the area. Great photos, Enry.
When I saw those written for the first time, my heart jumped!
The history of WWII may seem so distant and almost surreal when read only in books. Are places like this hill make it all real! The signs of the passage do not stop at this wall, on top of the hill there are still a lot of fox holes and MG emplacements, and the metal detector goes crazy because of the hundreds of cans and abandoned objects. We've found a lot of tins of Nescafe and K ratrions, a pair of toothbrushes, a box full of buttons of all nationalities (including French) and many cans cooker.
One day when I have time I add some pictures of the top of the hill!
I hope that we can find some relatives of Mr. Rhymer, I did some research and unfortunately it seems he died in 1981