I found a signed copy of this book on ebay and read it cover to cover the day it arrived. It's not a new book, and I imagine some of you have read it, but it was new to me. I have been familiar with Hal Baumgarten's D-Day story for many years now, as he is included in most every documentary about D-Day that's ever been made, most recently "Surviving D-Day" on The History Channel. When he talks about his fallen comrades he speaks of each man respectfully by name and also what city and state they came from, which makes each man, each loss more personal. The book is only 112 pages and includes about a dozen or so pages of photographs, but it is the most interesting first-hand account I have ever read by a man who landed with the first wave on Omaha Beach on June 6th, 1944. I highly recommend this book to anyone who hasn't already read it!