I dont know if I should have the alarm button on or not but when I got
up at 5 this morning there was a news thing on CNN that a suicide
bomber penetrated a check point at Baghdad Airport . First the news
said there were 7 Iraqs injured and the bomber was killed, but then I
saw on a different news program that there were 17 injured and they
didnt say who.. To confuse matters I got an email thta was sent at
00:46 ? which is I think 9 am over there. That is around the time the
news said this took place so I am just confused and scared. I am doing
my best ot do the no news is good news thing . So please keep my baby
boy in your prayers as well as the injured. Thanks love ya Cindy
I jst saw this article and it says 15 Iraq's so I hope there ias nothing to be alarmed about. I am not sure how I am going to get used to this
Sorry for your state of confusion and your alarm. I wish I could give other comforting words besides the normal, "no news is good news!"
I know some women who actually refuse to watch the news everyday because they say it is far too nerve-wracking. I guess you can see why now.
I am sure he is okay. I have a strong feeling in my
Stay strong sweetie. You know our thoughts and prayers are always with you and your sons.
Big hugs
My children are only 4 and 5 years old and the thought of them ever being put in harms way sends a shiver down my spine.
I guess you never stop worrying about your children even when they are all grown up, when they are a member of the armed forces and serving in a hostile arena i can only imagine you daily fears.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very worrying time.
Marion usually I dont watch the news, welll once in the am, and then I dont the rest of the day...I just happened to be awake very early 2:00 am this morning by a not feeling well Sadie and the television was on Sponge Bob so I thought I would get the am news out of the way for the day since she finally fell asleeep at 5 :00 am . I almost missed the ticker at the bottom of the screen but there it was. I am pretty certain I have been worried for not...I havent heard anything so I am sure he is good to go, So that is where I will keep myself. Thanks, it is a little hard to keep myeslf grounded some days but I do try..Thanks again Cindy
Thank you Bader I appreciate the the thoughts I really do. It will be fine I am sure, I am sure I will hear from him in a couple days and he will tell me all about it.I can see it now...Mom you wont believe what happened here the other day... Thanks again and oh my goodnees I wish mine were still 4 or 5,, pure heaven . remember that when they have you at your wits end as they do natrually at that age. So seize the moment & the child... Thank you so much for your kindness . Hugs at ya Cindy
Children, they should have a goverment health warning stamped on their foreheads. 
Well I finally heard from the boy..He is just fine so I was frantic for naught..I am just so happy he is ok Thanks all Hugs Cindy
Got to talk to Tay when Dusty had his leave I told him when to call if he could and he did It was great to hear his voice and it meant the world to Dusty to talk to hs baby brother. It was so good for them not to say there werent a lot of emotions running around in their heads and in their hearts. Of course we also dont say good bye to each other its always on 3 or talk to ya later, always I love you , but Dusty ended his talk with Tay by telling him dont worry I will be there soon I love you little man. I will let you talk to Mom now. He had big tears and I know tay did too and actually if you can imagine it so did I . The he ran out in the hall shouting hey my baby brother just called from Baghdad!!! It was just priceless.
I found out some details concerning Tay Tays jobs over there I wont go into a lot of details. I actually knew quite a bit some time ago. But the Rear D sent out a newsletter and were very specific which had Tay really pretty upset becasue he said he wasnt the only one who didnt disclose all of their duties to their loved ones back home. So he also called his Dad and gave him a little more detail and being his Dad he told my daughter. I wish he hadnt becasue now I can hear the fear in her voice that has been in my heart. Its war and its all dangerous. Being in supply doesnt remove you from the dangers and in this war being in supply is more than a little hazardous. Not unlike the other duties over there. I feel like there is too much info out there with the media and newlettters and all... sometimes I think it would be a little easier if we didnt have so much knowledge of the day to day details I dont watch the news much anymore. You can turn the tv off or turn the channel but its everywhere its on the internet, its in the newstands its on newsletters...But its hard to walk past a newstand and not see on the front page that troops from your sons base have lost their lives. It does make it harder to cowboy up some days..Sometimes too much knowlege is just not a good thing. I like to stay informed but its too much some days.
So anyway He has been there 3 months and he is fine. I know he is well trained and a damn good soldier & not a risk taker so I just look forward to the day when they are both home safe. It will happen it just takes a while to get there, but it will happen.
Oh Marilyn I just remembered he is the 4th from the left in the front row, I was right I knew I was even with the crappy quality of the photo I knew it was him I asked him...
Just sent his next morale booster care package. For July I sent a ton of patriotic stuff and he said they really appreciated it It was all they had So that was good. I shipped out (or had shipped) a luau... 48 grass skirts, 6 coconut bras, many leis, hair clips wiyth little flowers for the ladies, a parrot, a palm tree , some pink flamingos, little umbrellas for their drink glasses, grass table skirts sea shell bowls a crazy tribal looking hat. oh and hula girls like the ones you put on your dash board Maybe he will keep one for his humvee..and some pineapple cant send pork I have to think of a good replacement that will fare the mailing time Maybe some margarita mix or one of those that doesn thave the booze thats a no no or some tropical something mix. I really went over budget with this one but I figured how often do you send a luau to Baghdad ? Hopefully only once in my lifetime Well I iwll probalby have to do 2 when Dusty gets there if they have a facility for a Morale Tent... Cant carry that in a rucksak a tent or a luau... I have to run now if anyone has any good idea s on some kind of food that would make it over there that could replace a pig roast let me know Thanks Cindy

I'm not surprised that you were able to pick him out despite the quality of the photo. Mothers have super senses, you know.
As for the pork substitute, my mind pulls a blank. Sorry.
I have to laugh, tho, at the thought of you sending all that stuff over there. You know, of course, that Dusty's whole company is thinking of you in terms of being the whole Company's mother and doubtless, before he comes home, you'll probably make Battalion Mother! 