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At 103, a former Army nurse in Silicon Valley remembers World War II




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Henrietta Landman turned 103 years old last month, so when she read about an event honoring nurses who served in World War II, she called with a question.

"How many of us are left?"

Nobody appears to be counting, but at her age Landman must be one of the oldest surviving members of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. She's one of 240 centenarians in Santa Clara County.

A petite, thin woman with short, curled, gray hair, she stands remarkably straight over her walker and gets around her mobile home in Sunnyvale nimbly for her age.

She's hard of hearing and a breast-cancer survivor. Like many World War II vets, Landman can remember some experiences in astounding detail and with a healthy sense of gallows humor. Just don't ask her to describe the blood and gore.

"How did I feel seeing all that? I felt ..."

She stopped, obviously ticked off by the question.