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Posting this for a friend from Holland....



Hi Marion,


I received your email regarding the banner on my new website layout. I am going to put a major change live this weekend and this includes the old banners I had before.


I hope you are doing fine? I was wondering you have so much contact with veterans, do you know of any that would be intrested in getting their recollections shared on my website? I am still looking for stories and items.


The reason I ask is that I have gotten in touch with several family members of veterans that sold off all of their items seperately via ebay and told me they regreted that and prefered it to be togheter as whole. Last week I got called by a british veteran who just threw away (really!!) his uniform used on dday makes me sad..


Kind regards,

Eric Bijtelaar


I wrote back to him:


Dear Eric:


So very nice to hear from you. I'm proud to call you my friend and it's a pleasure working alongside you to keep the memories of our WWII vets alive.


I will be happy to post your request on my forum. This way it will get a lot of exposure.


Did you get a chance to listen to my latest interview, which was conducted yesterday? Thought you would enjoy it.,%202011%20Interview.mp3


Here was his reply:


Thank you so much for the link, what a great interview!!! These stories are so important to keep and share with the rest of the world.

I would really appreciate it if you place my request on the forum, since English is not my primary language could you please phrase it for me? I was wondering what do you use to create your website? I started now with photoshop but it is so much work....??


Here are some links to George Potter an easy Co Veteran, from whom I found his IKE jacket for sale on ebay and so I contacted his son Dan Potter and made it available to him. The jacket is now back with the family. I think he also has lots of stories to tell on the radio..Maybe an idea??


Story of George Potter and the jacket


talk to you soon.


Best regards from Holland!!





I told him he should be proud of himself, for his English is darned good!! B) B) But I am happy to post for him anyway. Make sure you check out this site.